V International
Scientific and Practical Conference
"Information Technology and Law"

May 28, 2015

Objectives of the Conference

  • Identification of the role, current state and prospects of legal informatization within the context of establishing the information society
  • Discussion of priority directions of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of legal informatization and improvement of the state system of legal information
  • Discussion of urgent issues of e-Justice development and use of information technologies in the activities of advocates and notaries
  • Identification of main directions of improvement of the legislation in the sphere of informatization, including legal informatization and informatization of the activities of courts, advocates, and notaries
  • Working out of main directions of scientific and practical support to the legal informatization processes
  • Discussion of prospects of creation and implementation of innovative technologies in the sphere of legal informatization, informatization of the activities of courts, advocates, and notaries