Main page About the Conference Programme Results Photoreport Conference materials Archive 2004 Архив-2010


IV International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Information Technologies and Law (Legal Informatization – 2012)”

Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 1 November 2012

Participants of the IV International Scientific and practical conference “Information Technologies and Law (Legal Informatization – 2012)” held by the National Center of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – NCLI) with assistance of the UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies and Law of the NCLI,

taking into consideration the Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society, as well as the documents adopted within the framework of the phases of the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva, 2003, and Tunisia, 2005),

following the provisions of the Strategy for the development of the information society in the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2015, adopted by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 9 August 2010, No 1174, and similar documents of the states–participants of the conference,

bearing in mind that the strategic aim of the development of the information society in the Republic of Belarus and states-participants of the conference is the guaranteeing of the sustainable social and economic development of a country, improvement of the quality of life of citizens, creation of wide opportunities for satisfaction of the needs and free development of a personality,

assuming the importance of the legal informatization in the process of creation of the information society and realization of the priority tasks of its development,

having heard and discussed the reports and presentations of the scientists and practitioners from the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, and Kazakhstan,


urgency of the announced problematic area of the conference, including the determination of the role, condition and perspectives of the legal informatization in the context of the establishment of the information society;

continuity of the decisions of the international theoretical and practical conferences held in 2002, 2004 and 2010 in the direction towards the improvement of the state system of legal information of the Republic of Belarus and similar systems of the states–participants of the conference, further development of the legal informatization;

changes occurred in the organizational and legal mechanisms ensuring the access for citizens to the official, true and updated legal information by means of the transfer to the electronic publication (promulgation) of the normative legal acts, as well as the increase of the role of the state informational and legal resources in supporting with legal communication;

formed tendencies of the sustainable development of the state system of legal information created in the Republic of Belarus with the leading role of the NCLI, as well as of similar systems of legal information in the states–participants of the conference, as an inalienable part of the integrated informational and legal space;

improvement of the effectiveness of the mechanisms of state administration by means of wide use of the information technologies in the activity of the state bodies on the basis of creation of the common information and technological infrastructure which includes the state information systems and resources, as well as the means ensuring their functioning;

acknowledge the necessity of:

development of the international cooperation in the sphere of legal informatization, adoption at the national and interstate levels of legal, organizational and other measures to form an integrated information and legal space within the framework of the existing interstate associations;

activization of the process of the effective implementation into the activity of state bodies and organizations of modern information and communication technologies as a necessary condition for building of the information society;

improvement of the legislation directed to the development of national systems of legal information, enlargement of the access to legal information and information about the activity of state bodies;

step-by-step implementation of the state policy in the sphere of informatization, including legal informatization, further performance of the complex intersectoral scientific research in order to elaborate proposals on correction of the directions and principles of the state regulation in the indicated sphere taking into account the regularities and tendencies of the formation of the information society;

formation and promotion of the initiatives in the sphere of legal education, which contribute to the realization of modern tendencies both in the sphere of training and retraining of the legal personnel, and in the direction towards the formation of the information and legal culture of citizens as one of the factors for sustainable development of the society;

actualization of the issues of legal regulation of the information safety as a guaranty for necessary conditions for the successful development of the information society;

propose as a priority the following directions of the activity on development and perfection of the legal informatization:

conduct of the research on the improvement of processes of legal informatization in the conditions of the formation of the information society;

development of joint programs, concepts, proposals on unification of legislation, aimed on the formation and development of the integrated information and legal space within the framework of the interstate associations, including the Customs Union and EurAsEC;

further improvement of the system of access to the legal information for citizens by means of development of a network of public centers of legal information and their modifications, as well as of centers of standard legal information;

wide-scale application of information technologies in the sphere of state administration to simplify the interaction of government bodies and population;

wide introduction into the activity of the courts system of the elements of the electronic justice in order to improve the level of accessibility and openness of the justice, facilitating further realization of the principle of the publicity in the practice of courts;

perfection of the content of training and retraining of the specialists taking into account modern socio-cultural realities through elaboration and introduction into the studying process of teaching programs on the basics of legal informatization;

elaboration and adoption with the consideration of modern domestic and foreign experience of a complex long-term program on the improvement of the level of legal culture of the society, aimed at the perfection of the quality of the legislation and law enforcement practice, development of legal education of citizens, optimization of the system of the qualified legal aid, as well as the guaranteeing of the accessibility of legal information on the basis of modern information and communication technologies;

improvement of the system of the intergovernmental exchange of legal information, support of the mutually beneficial international cooperation in the sphere of legal information and informatization.


Participants of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technologies and Law (Legal Informatization – 2012)” are convinced that the realization of the mentioned priority directions of the development of legal informatization will be a significant contribution into the processes of the formation of the information society in the Republic of Belarus and states–participants of the conference.


Main page About the Conference Programme Results Photoreport Conference materials Archive 2004 Архив-2010